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rio de janeiro n.里約熱內盧〔巴西港市,州名〕。

rio grande

Rio de janeiro , brazil reuters - brazil ' s air force and navy will transport more than 100 penguins to antarctica next month after the flightless birds were stranded on rio de janeiro beaches 下月,巴西海空部隊將護送100只企鵝返回南極,因為這些不能飛行的小動物在里約熱內盧的海灘上已是束手無策。

Baumgartner was the first man to parachute from the world ' s tallest building , malaysia ' s petronas towers , as well as the statue of christ in the brazilian city rio de janeiro 費利克斯是世界上第一個從世界上最高的建筑物上跳傘的人,曾率先從馬來西亞雙塔以及巴西里約熱內盧市的基督像的頂部跳傘。

Speech ( english only ) by the chief secretary for administration , mrs anson chan , at a luncheon hosted by the hong kong trade development council in rio de janeiro , brazil on may 22 , 2000 保安局局長葉劉淑儀在立法會會議就《公安條例》政府議案答辯時的致辭全文(第二部份) (十二月二十一日)

Brunette dione normando pires was named “ miss talavera bruce “ in the gericino women ' s prison in western rio de janeiro , beating off competition from eight other convicts 布魯內特狄翁諾曼多皮瑞絲,榮膺位于里約熱內盧西部的杰瑞西諾市女子監獄的塔拉維拉布魯斯小姐,擊敗另外八名囚犯。

The lights are blazing from the world ' s largest floating christmas tree - - a gigantic metal structure as tall as a 27 - storey tower block set on a lagoon in rio de janeiro 世界上最大的“水上圣誕樹”上燈火閃耀? ?這棵金屬結構的巨大圣誕樹有27層樓那么高,聳立在巴西里約熱內盧市環礁湖的湖面上。

A smal plane crashed near a busy avenue in one of rio de janeiro ' s most upscale neighborhoods at lunch hour sunday , kiling al four people aboard , authorities said 巴西一架小型飛機當日中午在巴西里約熱內盧市區撞上了機場附近一家汽車銷售店的附屬建筑物并引發大火,機上4人全部遇難。

Speech ( english only ) delivered by the chief secretary for administration , mrs anson chan , at the olympic council of asia meeting in rio de janeiro , brazil on may 24 , 2000 房屋局局長黃星華在立法會會議席上就何俊仁議員提出的議案訂立租金津貼政策的致辭全文(十一月十五日)

Speech english only by the chief secretary for administration , mrs anson chan , at a luncheon hosted by the hong kong trade development council in rio de janeiro , brazil on may 22 , 2000 保安局局長葉劉淑儀在立法會會議就公安條例政府議案答辯時的致辭全文第二部份十二月二十一日

On february 24th of this year , the “ king momo ” dressed in bright orange , took the gold key of the city from the mayor3 of rio de janeiro , to signify the beginning of carnival 今年2月24日,身著鮮橙色服飾的“莫莫王”從里約熱內盧市長手中接過城市金鑰匙,標志著狂歡節的開始。

Ieee xi brazilian symposium on integrated circuit design , rio de janeiro , brazil , oct . 1998 , pp . 67 - 72 . 9 inoue t et al . universal test complexity of field programmable gate arrays 重復進行配置是沒有意義的,因為我們僅僅用兩次配置測試le的非lut部分,這使得配置的總數達到4個。

Rezende stressed brazil ' s commitment to the peaceful use of nuclear energy at a ceremony friday at the plant built on a former coffee plantation in resende 90 miles west of rio de janeiro 該中心位于里約熱內盧以西約150公里處的雷森迪,是在一個咖啡種植園的舊址上建起來的。

Speech english only delivered by the chief secretary for administration , mrs anson chan , at the olympic council of asia meeting in rio de janeiro , brazil on may 24 , 2000 房屋局局長黃星華在立法會會議席上就何俊仁議員提出的議案訂立租金津貼政策的致辭全文(十一月十五日)

Although the current definition is not clear enough , i would expect some changes or even another major debate during the next assembly in rio de janeiro in 2009 由于目前行星的定義不夠清晰,我預計于2009年在里約熱內盧召開的大會上,或會再有若干改動甚或另一次激烈的辯論。

Ana beatriz barros was born in itabira , a tiny town in brazil , on may 29 , 1982 . ana was raised in the cosmopolitan rio de janeiro after her family moved there 靚女安娜貝琪茲ana beatriz barros出身于巴西一個名叫itabira小鎮,自小便向往多姿多采的生活,希望可以周游列國。

Rio de janeiro , brazil - - june 24 , 2006 - - soc - brazil - 4 - - children play soccer on copacabana beach in rio de janeiro on may 26 , 2006 . most of brazil ? players come from humble backgrounds 在巴西里約熱內盧的利巴卡巴海灘上,孩子們在踢足球。大多數巴西球員出身貧寒。

An angry passenger on a crammed bus in the brazilian city of rio de janeiro set the vehicle ablaze after it broke down and the driver ordered everyone off 巴西里約熱內盧一擠滿乘客的公交車在路上拋錨,司機命令所有乘客下車,其中一位乘客為泄不滿,竟一把火將車點著。

Rio de janeiro , brazil - - june 24 , 2006 - - soc - brazil - 7 - - at a soccer club in a rio de janeiro slum , a boy looks at photographs of some of the club ? past stars in february 2006 在巴西里約熱內盧一貧民區的足球俱樂部里,一名男孩在觀看俱樂部前足球明星們的照片。

But the sassenach tried to starve the nation at home while the land was full of crops that the british hyenas bought and sold in rio de janeiro 然而撤克遜的混蛋們處心積慮地要把本國老百姓餓死。當時遍地都是糧食,貪婪的英國人買下來,賣到里約熱內盧去。

The goal of the meeting was to find ways to put into effect the ideas that were discussed ten years ago at the earth summit in rio de janeiro , brazil 會議的目標在于尋找辦法,來將10年前在巴西里約熱內盧舉行的地球峰會中提出的想法付諸實施。